Additional Equipment

Pricing for restoration services includes the tank, stand and any existing equipment. Pricing for custom services includes the tank, stand and canopy. Customers are responsible for adding or upgrading any additional equipment outside of those items, but we offer two additional resources for customers looking to source materials through UA StL:

  • Equipment Sourcing Through UA StL: We are happy to acquire any materials such as lights, filters, livestock, plants or hardscape for our customers. All additional materials will be sourced through local retailers at a 10% markup.

  • Equipment Shopping List: We are happy to put together a “shopping list” of materials for any customers looking for recommendations but wishing to acquire those materials on their own. Shopping lists include items, descriptions and links to online retailers. They can be tailored to one specific retailer (i.e. Pectco,, Amazon, etc.) and there is no limit to the number of items you wish to be included. Shopping lists are a $20 flat fee.